Fresh. Local. Food.
Charleston, SC, a culturally historic hub in the heart of the Low-Country, was a huge part of the inspiration behind the Big Blue Truck. Jason's sister-in-law, Kerry Meier, spent four years in the Holy City falling in love with the "farm-to-table" style of cooking, and the way the city's chefs approach food in general.
"After working in restaurants where every single thing is made from scratch, and there's a personal diver who brings fresh fish each morning that end up on the menu that night, you change the way you look at food AND the way you want to cook it. Once you go down that path....it's hard to think about doing food any other way!" ~ Kerry M.
The idea of this "farm-to-truck" business was, in fact, developed in Charleston. The name Low-Co Motion (short for Low-Country) was an easy choice, and the area was full of inspiration, local farms, and people who were crazy about that style of food. Life was busy and full, however, and the idea was shelved for a little over a year.
Once back in Atlanta, Kerry's brother-in-law, Jason Jewett, took that idea back off the shelf and suggested that the two consider the possibility of launching a truck in Georgia. After a few weeks of weighing all the pros and cons, they decided to "go for it"....and Low-Co Motion was finally born!

What is Low-Country Cooking?
We're focusing on bringing the spirit of Low-Country cooking on board our truck, rather than a distinct flavor profile. While many menus across the Carolinas have likely included some version of a Low-Country Boil, Shrimp and Grits, and/or "Hoppin' Johns and Collards"... We've chosen not to specify a group of spices or tastes for our food. Instead, we embraced the farm-to-table side of things,and draw our inspiration from the incredibly diverse produce selection that Georgia has to offer. We try to use what's in front of us, right now, as much as possible. That's our version of Low-Co food!
*Check out a great article/interview that explains the Low-Country in more depth here.

Jason Jewett - Owner
"I am an Atlanta native. I studied at the Art Institute of Atlanta where I earned a Culinary degree. For the next 15 years I worked in local/small business and corporate style restaurants. Working as everything from a Kitchen Manager to Assistant General Manager taught me what kind of food and experience I wanted to bring to people when I was able to open my own business. We started this company to bring our experience to your local table."